Vehicle insurance that guarantees loss if the vehicle has an accident. As a car owner, you can make comparisons of the two types of car protection offered by insurance companies. All Risk Car Insurance. This type of car insurance is called comprehensive or whole. This means that insurance will pay claims for all types of damage. Ranging from minor damage, weight, to losing a vehicle. Lost Only Total Insurance (TLO). The type of vehicle insurance coverage that guarantees loss if the vehicle has an accident with damage above 75% such as a burning vehicle, lost due to being stolen, and forced seizure. Both types of insurance do have their own advantages and range. All risk insurance costs are indeed much higher than TLO insurance especially if you want to increase the protection coverage.
If the price of the car you have is said to be high so it requires a large cost, even though it has minor damage, then you should choose all risk insurance. This type of car insurance is suitable for car rental businesses or car courses. This is because the risk of being just lightly damaged is high. The frequency of car usage affects the type of insurance to be taken. So, the more often it is used, the greater the chance of an accident.
Especially if the route that is often used is a solid route. So, all risk can be the right choice. In addition, all risk insurance is a car insurance for new cars that are right for you. Conversely, if the car is parked more often at home than invited to go out or rarely used then it is better to choose TLO insurance.
In addition, accidents are not the only determining factor. The level of crime also needs to be observed. Crime in certain areas is relatively high. If you live or often go to the area like that then you should insure your car with TLO insurance. So, both all risk insurance and TLO insurance have their advantages and goodness. You can consider it according to your needs. To choose car insurance for a new car, you really need to be able to consider various things and suit your needs.